August 25, 2012

100 Abandoned Houses in The Daily Mail

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kevin Bauman @ 8:57 pm

I am in the tabloids…and it’s not for photos of me in an embarrassing situation in Vegas, so I think it’s a good thing. It’s actually very nice. I’m happy to be in such a well read publication. I almost missed the opportunity too.

When my site, 100 Abandoned Houses went done a couple of months ago, I transferred the site to a different host. It was a late night affair…of course, and I did not reconfigure the email. I tested it, but the DNS propagation must not have finished, because my test worked. I never got another email to my address on the site after that.

While that should have been a red flag, I was busy, and didn’t think much of it. When I figured it out the other day, I stumbled across several hundred emails I hadn’t known existed (If you were one of those who emailed me there, I’ll be getting back to you shortly). There was a message from The Daily Mail, asking if it would be alright to feature my project, 100 Abandoned Houses on their site. Fortunately they were still interested. Now my project is featured on The Daily Mail


  1. Hi Kevin! The pictures are amazing. And sad and beautiful at the same time. Thanks for doing the project. Who knows what will come of it – perhaps someone will “discover” Detroit through them and repopulate it, bringing life back in.
    So many of those houses are just the kind of house I sometimes dream of having – American style bungalow with a front porch where I can have a porch swing. There I can sit with my dog and a cup of tea and greet my neighbours and chat with friends… Dream on. As a European committed to Europe, that will remain just that.
    I do hope the city survives the recession and rises out of the ashes. One day.

    Comment by Ine — August 26, 2012 @ 3:24 pm

  2. Thanks Ine. There is a, mostly younger (than me, at least), generation that has found opportunity in Detroit, and has already begun to transform certain areas. There is certainly a long way to go, and the change is slow…too slow for some, and the population continues to decrease, although in the areas that have begun to see change, the population has actually increased.

    Comment by admin — September 2, 2012 @ 3:24 pm

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